Wednesday, August 11, 2010

plus size dresses slimming swim suits Best Way to Lose Abdominal Fat - Slim Down and Get a Super Model Body in Time For the Summer

plus size dresses slimming swim suits Best Way to Lose Abdominal Fat - Slim Down and Get a Super Model Body in Time For the Summer
Its a proven fact that abdominal fat is the last and hardest to get rid of. I see so many people trying hard to slim down but all their efforts are futile? Why? The simple reason is because they are not following a proven plan. The fact of the matter is, if you want to lose weight, all aspect of your weight loss program must be on targeted otherwise you will find that the excess pounds just wont go away. Below I have outlined some simple tips that will help you to lose abdominal fat and get your swim suit body for the summer.Tip #1- Have a heavy breakfast in the morning. This is very important, you need to get all your energy from breakfast that will help you to last throughout the day without feeling hungry or sluggish. Breakfast should contain all the essential nutrient. That is: vitamins and minerals (you can get these from fruits and vegetables), Protein (eggs, lean meat, fish or nuts), Carbohydrates (whole wheat products) as well as fats (just a little butter on slice of bread will do).Tips #2 - Set a specific time to get up every morning to do some exercises. Yes, the sleeping is nice but if you want to get those stunning six pack abs that you can be proud to walk on the beach with then you need to have some discipline. I find that early in the morning is the best time to do some exercises because the time is cool and it will also energize you for the days activities.Tip #3 - Reduce the amount of food you eat throughout the day. We have already establish the fact that breakfast is very important. Now the meals that comes after that should be smaller. So you could have a snack a few hours after breakfast and then have a medium sized lunch after which a small snack again followed by a small dinner. Doing this helps to regulate your metabolism so that you can burn fat faster.Tip #4 - Abdominal Exercises - If you want to tighten up your abdominals and lose the abdominal fat then this is extremely important. Abdominal exercises are oftentimes ignored because they may be somewhat hard. However with the following steps, you should have no problems.Ab Crunch - This exercises, you will lay on your back with your knees bent while the sole of your feet is still on the ground. Next, place your hands slightly on your head (dont add any pressure) and then raise your upper body (keep your bottom on the ground) as close as possible to your knees. Slowly return to resting position. If you are a starter, you can start out doing about 4 sets of fifteen repetitions and then gradually increase as your fitness level increases.Losing abdominal fat doesnt have to be hard. Once you have the right program to follow and keep at it, in a few weeks time you will be amazed with your new body.

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